2018 : Construction

Sometimes all a girl wants is some good hard rough sex!

I've Been Dating For You

Construction came up on every site that I was on, he added me on one of the more obscure ones & we chatted for a fair bit because I had a few guys I was texting at the time that I thought I might like more or was further along in the process of hooking up so I just kept him in the background.

Eventually we swapped numbers & were texting late one night, when he asked to come over. I said sure that I was in bed in my pyjamas, he said he’d just wear footy shorts (not sure why he told me that).

We didn’t talk very long before we had sex, all I really remember talking about was how someone died on his worksite that week, he seemed to be a bit vague about it but he’s the one who brought it up. I think perhaps that…

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Daizy #2

So as you can imagine, I can’t help it, but I get so pissed off by people who run late or people who say they’ll be somewhere but aren’t. I am always insanely on time & if I say I am going to be somewhere, it is fucking rare that I am not there or that I run late. I’m not sure if this is a good or bad quality of mine…

Precisely 7 minutes later I get “5 my phone died.” Rightio. But yet it takes him another 10 minutes to get to my house, another pet hate. Why can’t people just be fucking on time. I always over estimate so that I show up a bit earlier, or should I say 5 minutes & really mean 10? Actually, I usually tell people exactly what my GPS says, so there are no surprises. Maybe I’m a weirdo, but whatever, I can’t help it. I hate waiting around, my time is just as precious as other peoples, why do I have to sit around waiting for someone that I didn’t really want to come to my house anyway?

When he walks in Daizy kisses me on the cheek and I notice that he’s changed his clothes – um why?! He’s now wearing tracksuit pants. He meets the dogs, we both get a drink – he’s brought some cans of something & we sit on the couch, but somehow even though he only had 2 beers at the bar about 3 hours ago now, he looks so fucking wasted like he’s drunk 10 beers. How did he get so drunk on the drive up here?! Did he drink on the way? Had he taken drugs? How could be be so wasted… He also has brought in a head massager, you know those wire things that look like a wire hat, he tries to get me to take my hair down so he can massage my head but I say no. WTF.

He acts (or is) so fucking drunk that he’s stumbling around my lounge room, unable to sit still but unable to stand. The dogs sit on the couch with him & he calls them cock blockers – I think that’s not what’s blocking your cock dude! Would it even work at this point? I figure he’s going to have to stay here the night, he’s so off his head right now & I don’t know what on because there is no way he is just drunk! He confesses later that he smoked weed – which I suspected, this isn’t a surprise, but this isn’t stoned type behaviour. I press him further on what else he’s had & he tells me that he’s also had some Xanax. Oh FFS. I guess he’s definitely not driving home then!

We don’t kiss or have sex that night, I mean he’s fucked off his head, I didn’t want to have sex with him anyway so this isn’t surprising. He does try to leave at one point, when I won’t have sex with him, like a petulant child & I just tell him to get back into bed & go to sleep, which he does, I can’t let him drive in this condition all the way back out north. He falls sleeps easily, snoring most of the night so not only do I not sleep but he also is passed out on my side of the bed, basically on my pillow, so I have no room in the bed to move or any covers to cover me & because he’s so passed out, he’s harder to move than my 30 kg dog! I haven’t slept overnight with a lot of people before, but usually you can kick a person a bit & they roll over, he did not. He didn’t move all night & when I wake up – if you can say I woke up, I awake up to a huge dribble patch on my sheets where he slept.

I get up & get the dogs up & start to get ready for my clients, I wake him up when I need to get ready to go to my little business. I don’t normally open on Sundays but sometimes I have a client. He hasn’t left my room & I need to get change, so I slip last nights dress off over my head, standing in just my undies, no bra, I put a bra on & then another dress quickly, but he looks up as I am mostly naked putting on a bra & says “Aww, don’t do that!”, I giggle & innocently say “What?” Well I guess he likes what he sees in the sober light of day…

I get him out of my house fairly quickly, having to leave early & I leave him in the driveway saying goodbye, honestly, expecting not to see him again because not only did I not fuck him, he was fucked off his head & seemed a bit embarrassed by how fucked up he was… I like the guy to hang out with but there will be no hard feelings if he ghosts me.  

I am with my client just before 9:30 am & he texts “Your bed is so comfortable” which stupidly makes me smile when I see it on my watch, then a follow up text asking for my email, that he’s going to set up some checklist app that we can all share ideas for the podcast on. Well he’s keen & remembers what he told us he’d do last night. I like that about it, his motivation for the project is infectious.

When I get home, on the bedside table on his side of the bed (not that it’s his side, but the side he was supposed to sleep on) I find what looks like some tubular sports bandage & an eye mask – what the fuck was he planning on doing last night… I shove it in my top draw so my family don’t see when they come over tonight for dinner. Also why did he have that in his car?!

Around lunch time he tells me to come to the beach for a swim, but I am asleep, having a nap, something I rarely ever do! I was so tired, I think we slept at 3am? But I also had terrible heartburn, something I get from eating or drinking too much sugar. Then when I don’t reply I get a bunch of messages in a row “ill buy you dinner” “no tryna fuck ya, just business” “ya can’t blame me tho course ur pretty hot. It won’t happen again” “imma hang at the beach & read all the blog” I haven’t even seen one message yet when they all come through. I reply that he wouldn’t have remembered having sex with me anyway & that my family come over tonight, so I don’t hear from him again.

There’s something odd though, why is he always at the beach? Why doesn’t he seem like he has somewhere to go… I can’t put my finger on it. But there is something not entirely right about this guy… My curiosity will make me keep dating/meeting him to find out.

My family are over, they’ve been there for about 2 hours at this point & I go into the bathroom to wash my hands, when I see a fucking bright yellow condom in the decorative plant on the vanity. Daizy had gone out to his car in the morning & brought one back in saying I’d have it for next time. I show him my stash & say that I don’t need it & to take it with him but that’s where he leaves it. FUCK. I quickly hide it in the draw & hope no one saw it, especially the kids. I message him to tell him off – obviously as a joke & he just sends a winky face back. I ask him if it’s flavoured, trying to keep the conversation going & he says try it. But I say that there is no point in a flavoured condom, I mean who sucks a dick with a condom on? I say that glow in the dark, flavoured & ribbed are a waste of time, he says that “even talking about condoms is a waste of time” I ask why & he calls me. I can’t answer so I reject it, I can text but I can’t chat on the phone. Sometimes people don’t get that, I mean I can text quickly while doing stuff like working (when on a call or in a video conference) but a phone conversation about condoms is going to take a bit longer, I’m not having that conversation around my parents. So I ignore him & call later.

By Monday Daizy has created a account on an app that we can use to brainstorm ideas for the podcast. He tells me to call him when I can & he’ll give me a crash course, but when I get a chance to play around with it, it’s pretty simple, I’m not an idiot when it comes to app & computers… I call him later in the evening & we chat for a while… Mainly about the podcast & sometimes he slips in how much he finds me attractive & we chat flirty for a little bit too. I like the chemistry that we have, the flirty chats we have… It’s so refreshing to have a guy want to talk, not just to get sex… This is a lot of fucking effort if that’s all he wants…

Tuesday night I get a message asking what I’m doing & that he’s got a hotel room in the city, that if I’m free we could grab a meal. I have a couple of clients after work but say that I can be there around 7:00pm. He says yeah & I think this is a perfect opportunity to see if Lucy & her mate that she wants on the podcast – see if there is dynamic there. I rush through my client, with Daizy messaging me to bring drinks to his hotel & we can all meet there, there is a private balcony, I don’t reply as I am with a client, so then he calls me, a few times, I have told him that I am not going to be finished until 6:30pm & it’s now 6:35 pm when he says “is this happening or imma go get laid” Oh for fuck sake, I am not going to have threats & shit like that when I am on my way to meet him… I got held up for fuck sake, not that I am playing games! He knew I was at work.

I call him to tell him that I am running late – he should understand this concept very well & that I’ve also spoken to Lucy who won’t be there till 8:00pm. Jesus, they all knew about this at 5:30pm, I’m the only one who’s had to do a client after work & get into the city… He also tells me that he’s not ready & will need some time to get ready. Oh fucking hell. We hang up after I’m snappy with him, he’s trying to get me to come to the hotel because he’s not ready & Lucy is on her way, like fuck me. What the fuck have these people been doing for the last hour?!

Daizy calls me again to buy him cigarettes but I say no, I tell him I’m on my way still & he says to come up to his hotel room. But instead, I go park in a side street & send a video to Marvel of me sticking my fingers inside me, something cheeky to make him want to see me this week. But Daizy calls again & again so I go park near his hotel & wait outside it, for him to come get me, like a hooker…