Plumber #4

I never thought this guy would ever get a 4th post. I mean he has ghosted me twice when we’ve dated & when he did work for me on my house, not only did he break my hot water service, but he was wearing a wedding ring & denied being married, but afterwards he’d told me many times that he’d wanted to “push me against the wall & do what he wanted with me” & also that we’d have a very fiery relationship “when” we’re together. I always say, “yeah well, we’ll never know” but he comes back with comments like “it’ll happen” or “all in good time” either implying that we will be together in the future – I guess when he gets his second divorce or is he just dangling the carrot, in the hopes I never find someone & he can use me as a back up?

So he’s on my Facebook – which I believe is his fake account as he always takes so long to reply if he has a conversation on there – which isn’t often as he’s also on my snapchat & that’s where he talks to me the most. He also recently started following me on TikTok which is just videos of my dogs!

I’m not really sure why, but one day on Facebook, groups suggestions start popping up for me… There are groups that are basically naming & shaming men they’ve dated or are dating (Lucky this wasn’t a thing in the height of my dating career!). I joined a few, but in my opinion, I actually find just full of fucking crazy untrusting women, but I peruse them just to see if there is a guy I have ever dated in the feed, which there isn’t but I don’t go scrolling too far back because who can be bothered with that.

In my short time in the groups, women who haven’t even spoken to the guy yet – yes they just matched on whatever app, but haven’t chatted yet, post the guys picture & ask for “Any Tea?” or worse “Any ☕?” WTF! The funniest part is that they are happy to post a poor unsuspecting guys photo for everyone to analyse, but they then say “His name starts with ‘*'” Like really?! You’ve posted his fucking profile but you won’t say his name?! Are these women for real?

Can you imagine if there was an equivalent guy page & these women were posted? OMG the women’s rights quotes would be rife! There would be reports to Facebook going 100 miles per hour!

So some of these women don’t even see what is the deal with the guy before they are posting in the groups – some of them in multiple groups because they mention them & trying to get dirt on someone they haven’t even dated, or talked too. There are lots of anonymous posting & a lot of “Posting for my friend” & my favourite “How do I find my partner/husband/boyfriend?”

What’s that saying? One mans trash is another mans treasure! So what is a red flag for you, might not be for the next person… Maybe he cheated on you but won’t cheat on the next woman. Sometimes people actually grow up & with the right partner, they do change. So posting that he is a jerk or he cheated or he has mummy issues, may have been correct while you dated him, but doesn’t mean that is who he is…

Lots of people posting that a man – complete with picture but only his initial, was violent, has been to jail, has a DV history etc. Not to take anything away from anyone who has been in a DV situation, but are these women just out to get the guy in trouble because they are butt hurt he didn’t want them? Or did the guy actually do something & this is an excellent public service announcement. I may never know the answer to that, but I am not 100% sure this is appropriate.

These groups honestly make me want to scream “HOW THE FUCK AM I STILL SINGLE!”

But one group, I see Plumber (remember also known as Foodland #2!) come up, using his Facebook fake profile photo that he’s friends with me on, curious I read the post as it’s posted by an admin… It’s a ‘feel good story’ – apparently, a nice single guy who is looking for a partner & she will set it up if anyone is interested! OMFG. The girls are frothing over the photo – which is kinda out of focus & not his best pic, but they are all excited about the fact that it’s ‘a nice guy.’ Fuck these women are cooked! Everyone is posting asking for his details & I am scrolling the comments wondering if I should burst their bubble or let it go…

Clearly you know what I did because otherwise there wouldn’t be a blog post right. I message him on snapchat, “I hear your single” & then I post a comment letting them all know, as far as I know, he lied to me about being married (Maybe he’s not but what guy ‘likes’ wearing a wedding ring when not married? Happy to be proven wrong here!) I expect that I am going to be deleted for the comment or have the comment deleted because it was posted by admin after all – they can’t be proven wrong! I wasn’t rude or anything nor did I call him any names, I just said how long I’ve known him (since high school days) & that’s he’s on all my social medias, but pretty sure he’s not being 100% truthful.

Of course, like any jerk, Plumber reads my message on snapchat & doesn’t reply, then proceeds to continue to look at my daily stories & TikToks. Clearly we aren’t going to be together, like he said we would! Bahahaha… These blokes are just as cooked at the women… I think I have made the right decision just keeping to myself & the dogs!


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